主页 > imtoken国内怎么下 > 定向降准以结构性降低债务成本


imtoken国内怎么下 2023-04-22 07:27:29




股份制银行进一步定向降准,表明央行货币政策更加积极主动,发出积极信号。普惠金融定向降准是2018年开始实施的一项政策,一级可降低存款准备金率0.5个百分点,达标条件为普惠金融贷款余额或增量达到1.@ >5%;二级可降低存款准备金率1.@>5个百分点,达标条件为普惠金融贷款余额或增量达到10%。普惠金融定向降准是市场预期的事情。本次降准的边际增量信息是对仅符合一级标准的股份制银行的存款准备金率额外降低1个百分点。

上述定向降准共释放长期资金5500亿元,主要分为以下两部分:一是符合普惠金融定向降准考核标准的银行,部分对应于那些从未达到标准的部分。第一梯队(降准0.5个百分点),从第一梯队到第二梯队(再降1个百分点),其中大型银行全部达到第二梯队。普惠金融达标降准释放长期资金4000亿元。二是对已达一级的股份制银行再降准1个百分点,释放长期资金1500亿元。根据《2019年中期银行报告》,股份制银行中边际受益银行为招商银行、兴业银行、浦发银行、光大银行(均为一级)。 RRR 削减发行资金以匹配规模。




本次定向降准主要包括两个动作:一是部分符合2019年普惠金融考核标准的商业银行将开始实施优惠准备金率,这不是标准意义上的“降准”。 ,因为官方的准备金率标准没有变化,但是对符合标准的银行有新的动态评估,这部分资金实际释放4000亿元;二是符合普惠金融标准的股份制银行,原准备金率10%,本次下调9%,与达到普惠金融二级标准的股份制银行相同金融。这是标准意义上的“定向降准”,给股份制银行政策性红利,实际释放资金1500亿元。

自2014年央行定向降准以来,“三级两优”存款准备金制度不断更新,更加复杂。目前,银行的准备金率适用情况有十余种。主要框架如下: 1.@> 为大型国有银行、股份制银行、城商行、非金融机构设立标杆,普惠金融一级贴息,普惠金融二级贴息。县域农村商业银行、外资银行; 2.县级贴息 农村商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用社、村镇银行建立地方贷款考核基准档案和优惠档案; 3.为省内经营的城市商业银行设立额外1%的优惠档; 4.对农发银行、财务公司、融资租赁、汽车金融等单独评估。

目前6家大型国有银行的存款准备金率基准为12.5%,股份制银行/城商行分别为10.5%,非县域农村商业银行 10%。普惠金融一级和二级在基准上分别贴息0.5pct和1.@>5pct,本次调整使普惠金融一级的股份制银行在基准上有折现1.@ >5pct,即降到9%,主要是响应2019年9月出台的省内城商行额外定向降准1pct。 -存量银行支持小微信贷。












为支持实体经济发展,降低社会融资实际成本,央行决定自2020年3月16日起实施普惠金融定向降准。考核标准对象银行降准0.5 个百分点至 1 个百分点。此外,对符合条件的股份制商业银行再定向降准1个百分点,支持普惠金融领域贷款发放。从央行的政策需求来看,降准其实就是降息,降息就是稳定实体,稳定实体就是稳定金融。


此次降准分为两部分:普惠考核标准调整(事后激励)释放4000亿元,股份制银行追加定向降准(积极推进)释放1500亿元。具体如下:1.@>普惠评估合规调整:2018年起,央行对普惠金融贷款占比达标的银行给予准备金贴现,增量或余额占1.@ >5%(一级)进一步降准0.5个百分点,增量或余额率达到10%(二级)进一步降准1.@>5个百分点,银行当年达到普惠标准,第二年调整预留折扣,推广银行可享受折扣。根据2019年中报及央行声明,2019年主要国有银行的建设银行、农业银行、邮政储蓄银行享受二线优惠。中国工商银行、中国银行中国、交通银行从一级提升到二级,这三大银行释放资金约3900亿元,是释放4000亿元资金的主力军;银行进一步下调存款准备金率1个百分点,同时要求将降准资金用于普惠金融领域的贷款发放,贷款利率大幅下降。从2019年中报数据来看,民生银行、中信银行、华夏银行、平安银行、浙商银行已经处于第二梯队,招商银行、兴业银行、浦发银行、光大银行处于第二梯队。在第一层。这四家银行属于第二层。再降准1个百分点,释放资金1500亿元。



根据广发证券测算,如果普惠金融和股份制银行定向降准实施,潜在释放准备金空间将在5000亿元至8000亿元之间,相当于一般的存款准备金率削减 30BP 至 47BP。截至2020年1月末,银行业一般存款总额约170万亿元,一般存款增速约8%,行业平均法定准备金率约10.2%,法定准备金总额约17万亿元,超额准备金约3万亿元。


那么,此次普惠金融定向降准能释放多少准备金?目前,对普惠金融的降准考核分为两个层次。各级法定准备金率分别比基准水平低50BP和100BP,一般在年初评估。 2020年尚未实施。据A股和H股上市银行统计,大部分银行已享受法定准备金率下调50BP的一级优惠政策,70%的银行已享受二线优惠政策,在现有政策下无法进一步降低。允许。



综上所述,普惠金融和股份制银行通过定向降准释放准备金约5000亿元至8000亿元,相当于一般降准30BP至47BP。考虑到当前银行间流动性依然充裕,预计这两次降准将错开实施。 3 月 16 日、3 月 25 日、4 月 6 日和 4 月 15 日是可能的实施窗口期。


3月以来,海外市场波动加剧,全球流动性有所缓解,这是央行定向降准普惠金融的背景。目前,海外新冠疫情处于爆发期,海外市场波动加速,美股和欧洲主要国家指数持续暴跌,黄金、比特币等避险资产也出现快速调整,全球资本市场已经进入明斯基时刻。各国央行纷纷采取降息和新一轮QE。美联储宣布降息 50 个基点至 1.@>00%-1.@>25%,这是美联储自 2008 年以来的最大降息幅度,将超过储备金要求比率 (IOER)为应对抗击 COVID-19 的经济影响,下调了 50 个基点至 1.@>1%。

面对美联储非常规降息,全球央行跟随美联储降息。目前,澳大利亚、马来西亚、沙特、阿联酋、加拿大、英国、菲律宾等国家和地区央行分别降息,全球流动性迈上新台阶。车轮松动。由于降息空间有限,欧洲央行加大量化宽松力度,并在年底前追加1200亿欧元资产购买,为实施定向长期再融资操作提供更有利条件。 2020 年 6 月至 2021 年 6 月。美联储还宣布启动 1.5 万亿美元的新回购操作。

疫情对经济的短期影响比较大。 2月份社会金融数据低于市场预期,是受疫情影响的结果。在突如其来的疫情冲击下,国内经济数据不理想。 2月份,PMI降至35.7%,比1月份下降14.3个百分点。其中,2月份乘用车销量同比增长。下降81.@>7%,新能源汽车销量同比下降75.2%;民航2月份完成旅客834.0万人次,下降84.5%。 2月份整体财务数据不及市场预期。不仅信贷投放小幅回落,居民短期消费贷款和中长期住房贷款增速明显回落。融资增加8554亿元,比2019年同期减少1111亿元。因此,为对冲疫情对经济的负面影响,国务院常务会议及时出台定向降准普惠金融减持措施,进一步加大股份制银行减持力度。准强度。


股份制银行受益最大。根据央行“三级两优”存款准备金框架降准对比特币的影响,国有商业银行活期存款准备金率12.5%,股份制银行、城商行存款准备金率、非县域农商行、民营银行、外资银行黄金基准为10.5%,县域农商行为7%。可见,股份制银行的普惠性降准空间更大。近日,中国人民银行完成了2019年年度考核。部分符合条件的银行已由无准备金率折让改为享受0.5个百分点的准备金率折让,其他银行则较原获0.5个百分点。百分比折扣变为 1.@>5% 的折扣。


目前,央行的货币政策工具储备较为充裕。除了普惠定向降准外,央行将在3月20日LPR报价前迎来公开市场操作利率下调。DR007的加权平均目前在2%左右,低于公开市场OMO操作利率由来已久。 Therefore, in March Before the LPR quotation, the central bank can also reduce the OMO or MLF operating interest rate by 5-10BP, which will lead to a decline in the cost of the bank's liability side by about 0.18-0.35BP, interest rate cuts are still expected, and a new round of global Quantitative easing ushered in an important window of operation for the reduction of the benchmark deposit rate.

According to the No. 30 announcement of the People's Bank of China, before August 31, 2020, China's commercial banks will complete the switching of the pricing benchmark for stock loan interest rates, which means that the marketization of loan interest rates promoted by China's LPR pricing mechanism is basically the same.结束。 However, the market-oriented reform of deposit interest rates is progressing slowly. Judging from a series of statements by the central bank, the benchmark deposit interest rate is the "ballast stone" of China's interest rate system and will be retained for a long time. In the future, the central bank will follow the deployment of the State Council and comprehensively consider economic growth, price levels, etc. Fundamental situation, timely and appropriate adjustments. This shows that the deposit benchmark interest rate is not a one-off drop, but needs to improve supporting measures to prevent the impact of the liberalization of the deposit benchmark interest rate on the debt cost of commercial banks. If it is estimated that deposits account for 60% of bank liabilities and the deposit interest rate rises to 40%, every 10BP reduction in the deposit benchmark interest rate can reduce the bank's debt cost by 6-8BP. The adjustment of the deposit benchmark interest rate has a more obvious impact on the bank's debt cost. Among them, joint-stock banks and city commercial banks benefited more.

The targeted RRR cut by the central bank is in line with market expectations. It is the specific implementation of the inclusive and targeted RRR cuts required by the executive meeting of the State Council. Market impact is significant.

The impact on the real economy is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: First, it helps to reduce the financing cost of enterprises. The central bank's inclusive RRR cut to release long-term funds can directly reduce the interest payment cost of related banks by about 8.5 billion yuan each year, which will help reduce the cost of the entire financial institution's liability side through the transmission of commercial banks, thereby effectively reducing the actual cost of social financing, especially Reduce the financing costs of small and micro enterprises and private enterprises, and effectively enhance the ability of financial institutions to serve the real economy.

Second, it is conducive to the recovery of the economy after the resumption of work due to the epidemic. The beginning of each year is a period of concentration for commercial banks to realize credit issuance. This inclusive RRR cut will help, from the perspective of incentive mechanism, resolve the pressure on the outflow of base money from the banking system brought about by commercial banks’ credit issuance after the epidemic, and improve the transmission efficiency of monetary policy. , in the context of PMI and industrial enterprise profits bottoming out and rising, it is conducive to the stabilization of the economy in the short cycle, and the realization of financial services to better serve the development of the real economy.

Third, it is conducive to the development of small and micro enterprises and private enterprises. The central bank’s inclusive RRR cut is not a flood. Among them, joint-stock banks have benefited more, and the focus is to increase the source of loan funds for the real economy such as small and micro enterprises and private enterprises. In the future, there is still a reduction in the MLF operating interest rate and deposit reserve benchmark interest rate. As well as the MPA dynamic assessment and other measures, the funds released are all to alleviate the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises and private enterprises, and strive to increase the inclusive loans of small and micro enterprises by 2 trillion yuan in 2020, and reduce the comprehensive cost by another 50BP. The five major banks' 2020 small and micro growth rate target is not less than 20%.

Actually, every interest rate adjustment draws the market's attention to management's real estate credit policy. At present, China still adheres to the principle of "housing, not speculating," and the central bank's inclusive RRR cuts prevent capital from flowing into the property market. At present, the inventory of some property markets is low. Under the background of implementing city-specific policies, each city adjusts according to its own needs. It is not ruled out that individual cities will relax the purchase restriction policy through measures such as talents, which will increase the difficulty of market regulation. However, through the directional benchmark of existing loans to LPR, the interest rate of personal housing loans will not change in the short term in 2020. Therefore, the overall impact of directional RRR cuts on the property market is limited.

In addition to the real estate market, the impact on the stock market should not be underestimated. The liquidity released by the central bank’s inclusive RRR cut raises capital market expectations in the short term, which will help boost market sentiment in the stock market, release long-term funds, and directly reduce the interest payment cost of listed banks, which directly benefits banks and non-bank stocks, and helps the financial sector. Indirectly, it is conducive to the further rebound of real estate and cyclical stocks; in the long run, with the transmission of loose money to wide credit, the economic cycle recovers in a short period, and the prosperity of some industries improves, which will help improve the profitability of listed companies. Promote the capital market to continue to strengthen.

This targeted RRR cut will release 550 billion yuan of liquidity, reduce the cost of bank liabilities by 8.5 billion yuan, and basically form an economic bottom. Gradually landed, and the valuation of bank stocks has reached a historical low, in this case, the valuation of bank stocks can be expected to recover. CBIRC Document No. 6 has a greater negative impact on the revenue of banks with a high proportion of retail loans in the first half of the year, but has a less negative impact on the revenue of banks with a high proportion of corporate loans in the first half of the year, so corporate loans are the main ones. Banks will benefit more in the short term. In the short term, banks with low valuations and a high proportion of corporate loans deserve attention.

Since the start of the epidemic, bond market yields have fallen sharply, but with the advent of the post-epidemic era and the rapid recovery of economic fundamentals in a short cycle, the bond market will maintain a pattern of severe volatility. The impact of targeted RRR cuts on the bond market is relatively neutral.

In general, according to the analysis of New Era Securities, investors are optimistic about the future of the banking industry, and investors should firmly grasp the investment opportunities brought to the banking sector by the epidemic. Since the financial crisis, risks in the global commercial banking industry have declined significantly, and operations have made great progress. In the future, the development space of commercial banks is huge, and there are still many places to be explored and optimized. As the core growth point of bank profits, the transformation and innovation of banking business is extremely important in the strategic transformation of commercial banks. The epidemic has provided new opportunities for commercial bank business innovation, especially financial technology, and brought new impetus to the comprehensive operation of commercial banks. In the future, we will mainly seize the investment opportunities of three types of commercial banks: first, commercial banks with rapid progress in financial technology or digitalization; second, commercial banks with obvious differentiated advantages in the region; third, outsourcing non-core businesses to significantly increase ROE growth commercial bank.
